
                The TV was on though I was barely paying attention as I sank into the couch. I stretched to the table to grab some chips, my hand landing on an empty bag. I reached down to the floor; two empty bottles of soda, an empty bag of jujubes, and no chips. I might have to actually get up if I wanted to get something to eat. The thought of …

Found Revelations

Being a housekeeper at a beach side resort was never my idea of a glamourous job; but it did come with some perks. The best was all the stuff that was left behind in the rooms; the bottles of alcohol, books, some clothing, money – all free to whoever found it if it wasn’t claimed within a week. All great stuff, but the most interesting thing I found were a …

Coax the Chipmunk

I woke up with the idea in my head; it was almost fully formed with plot details, the rising tension, and a great climactic scene mapped out. From that point it just felt like transcribing. It was going to be a breeze of a day. Then I actually got out of bed, and the dream, and the story, all those plot points and characters and that great climactic scene; they …

Information Input

I came to inside a white room with no doors and no windows. To say I ‘woke up’ didn’t fit as I didn’t experience any sort of grogginess like I was emerging from unconsciousness. I simply wasn’t, and then I was. I was there in that white room with no doors and no windows, and a faint glow of light emanating from the corners, it’s source unknown or cleverly hidden. …

Rolling Tumbleweeds of Fur

The Kind One is very nice to us. She feeds us, gives us water, we are always warm and dry wherever we are. The apartment we live in is not very large, but there are lots of things to chase around that make noises, and tall things to climb so we can look down and keep an eye on our shared space. If I’m ever feeling lonely, I can call …